2 Systematics of Living Organisms - Questions - Online Science Study


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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

2 Systematics of Living Organisms - Questions


2. Systematics of Living Organisms

Home-Work 01

4 mark questions……

Q.1         Enlist different forms of protozoans and give one example of each.

3 mark questions…..

Q.1         Give salient features of Kingdom Monera.

Q.2         Give salient features of Kingdom Protista.

Q.3         Give salient features of Kingdom Plantae.

Q.4         Give salient features of Kingdom Fungi.

Q.5         Give salient features of Kingdom Animalia.

Q.6         What are extremophiles?

                Where do they found?

                What is the difference between halophiles and thermophiles?

Q.7         What are diatoms?

                What is diatomaceous earth?

                What is the use of diatomaceous earth?

Q.8         Give salient features of eukaryotic heterotrophs showing extracellular digestion.

Q.9         What are lichens?

                Give ecological importance of lichens.


2 mark questions………


Q.1         Enlist the four groups of bacteria.

Q.2         Enlist salient features of true bacteria.

Q.3         Enlist the diseases caused by eubacteria.

Q.4         Give economic importance of fungi.

Q.5         What are the characteristics of viruses which differs them from living organisms?

Q.6         Give at least four examples of viral diseases in human being.


1 mark very short answer questions ……….


Q.1         Name any two organelles absent in prokaryotic cell.

Q. 2        Give two examples of photosynthetic eubacteria.

Q.3         Which organism is responsible for sleeping sleekness?

Q.4         Which organism causes malaria?

Q.5         What is the peculiar characteristic of Euglena?

Q.6         Give any two semi autotrophic plants.

Q.7         What are coenocytic hyphae?

Q.8         Give two examples of Deuteromycetes.

Q.9         Name the group of organisms not included in five kingdom system.

Q.10       What are the types of viruses?

Q.11       What are the bacteriophages?

Q.12       Enlist the disorders caused by viruses in plants.

Q.13       What are viroids?

Q.14       Why some fungi like Alternaria are commonly called imperfect fungi?


1 mark multiple choice questions ……..


Q.1         The organisms belongs to …………………………. do not have well defined nucleus.

                a)            Kingdom Monera                             b)            Kingdom Protista

                b)            Kingdom Fungi                                d)            Kingdom Animalia

Q.2         A simple double stranded circular single chromosome in a prokaryotic cell is known as ……………

                a)            nucleus                                               b)            nucleolus             

                c)            nucleoid                                              d)            nucleic acid

Q.3         Small, circular molecules of DNA as extra-chromosomal genetic element is called ………………

                a)            nucleoid           b)            plasmid     c)            cosmid          d)            nucleic acid

Q.4         In Kingdom Monera, cell wall is made up of ……………………….

                a)            cellulose      b)            hemicelluloses  c)            chitin       d)            peptidoglycan

Q.5         Cell wall in eubacteria is made up of ……………….

                a)            chitin         b)            suberin        c)            cutin             d)            murein

Q.6         Peptidoglycan is a polymer of ……………………..

                a)            sugars and amino acids                  b)            sugars and glycerol

                b)            lipids and proteins                           d)            amino acids and proteins

Q.7         ……………………………… are mostly found in extreme environments.

                a)            Archaebacteria                                 b)            Eubacteria

                c)            Blue green algae                              d)            Mycoplasma

Q.8         ……………………………… bacteria found in gut of ruminants.

                a)       Sulphur        b)    Green sulphur   c)        Methanogenic  d)       Purple sulphur

Q.9         Find the odd one out.

                a)      Chlorobium   b)      Lactobacilli    c)      Azotobacter       d)         Streptomyces

Q.10       ……………………………………… are photosynthetic true bacteria.

                a)            Methanogenic bacteria                                 b)            Green sulphur bacteria

                c)            Sulphur bacteria                                            d)            Purple sulphur bacteria

Q.11       …………………………….. bacteria is an example of chemosynthetic eubacteria.

                a)     Chlorobium        b)     Chromatium      c)      Sulphur       d)       Azotobacter

Q.12       They can be anaerobes helping in curdling of milk.

                a)     Chlorobium        b)     Chromatium      c)       Azotobacter       d)      Lactobacilli

Q.13       ……………………… is a N2 fixing eubacteria.

                a)      Azotobacter       b)       Chromatium      c)       Chlorobium       d)     Streptomyces

Q.14       ………………………… is an eubacteria involved in antibiotic production.

                a)      Azotobacter       b)      Chlorobium        c)       Chromatium      d)        Streptomyces

Q.15       Find the correct option for the group of organisms showing following features –

                1. smallest living things                                  2. lack cell wall

                3. many forms are pathogenic                    4. found resistant to common antibiotics

                a)     Archaebacteria     b)      Eubacteria       c)    Mycoplasma      d)         Protista

Q.16       …………………….. are also termed Chrysophytes.

                a)            Plant like Protista                             b)            Animal like Protista

                c)            Dinoflagellates                                  d)            Fungi like Protista

Q.17       They are commonly called phytoplankton.

                a)            Plant like Protista                             b)            Animal like Protista

                c)            Dinoflagellates                                  d)            Fungi like Protista

Q.18       ………………………… is endoparasite and caused amoebic dysentery.

                a)       Amoeba        b)      Entamoeba        c)     Trypanosoma   d)       Paramoecium

Q.19       ……………………….. is responsible for ‘red tide’.

                a)      Trypanosoma    b)       Plasmodium       c)      Gonyaulax          d)       Euglena

Q.20       ………………………. commonly form the group Myxomycetes.

                a)            Plant like Protista                             b)            Animal like Protista

                c)            Dinoflagellates                                  d)            Fungi like Protista

Q.21       In Myxomycetes, cells aggregate to form a large cell mass called ………………………

                a)      Sporozoan          b)      protozoan           c)      plasmodium       d)      Mycoplasma

Q.22       …………………. lack cell wall but have a tough covering of proteinaceous pellicle.

                a)            Dinoflagellates                                  b)            Euglenoids

                c)            Myxomycetes                                   d)            Diatoms

Q.23       …………………. is dominated by autotrophs.

                a)            Myxomycetes                                   b)            Dinoflagellates

                c)            Euglenoids                                          d)            Kingdom Plantae

Q.24       …………………… is heterotrophic, parasitic plant.

                a)     Euglena                b)      Cucurbita            c)       Cuscuta               d)       Cynodon

Q.25       ………………….. are eukaryotic heterotrophs showing extracellular digestion.

                a)     Bacteria                b)       Chrysophytes    c)       Euglenoids          d)        Fungi

Q.26       The cell wall in fungi is composed of ……………………….

                a)     cellulose              b)      proteins               c)      chitin                     d)     peptidoglycan

Q. 27      ………………………….. are commonly called algal fungi.

                a)    Myxomycetes   b)     Mycoplasma      c)       Phycomycetes  d)      Ascomycetes

Q. 28      …………………….. is parasitic fungi on mustard.

                a)     Mucor                   b)     Rhizopus              c)     Albugo                 d)      Agaricus

Q.29       Ascomycetes are commonly called …………………….. fungi.

                a)   algal                       b)   sac                          c)    club                        d)   imperfect

Q.30       ……………………. are varieties of sac fungi that are consumed as delicacies.

                a)            Morels and truffles                         b)            Smuts and rusts

                c)            Mushrooms                                       d)            Bracket fungi

Q.31       ……………………… is useful in genetic and biochemical assays.

                a)     Aspergillus          b)      Neurospora       c)      Claviceps            d)    Agaricus

Q.32       …………………….. is unicellular sac fungi.

                a)   Neurospora        b)    Claviceps      c)     Penicillium           d)   Saccharomyces               

Q.33       ……………………. are commonly called club fungi.

                a)            Phycomycetes                                  b)            Ascomycetes    

                c)            Deuteromycetes                              d)            Basidiomycetes

Q.34       Match the pairs for Column I from Column II

                                Column I                                              Column II

                A)           Agaricus                              i)             rusts

                B)            Ganoderma                        ii)            mushrooms

                C)            Ustilago                             iii)           bracket fungi

                D)           Puccinia                             iv)           smuts


                a)            A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv                              b)            A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i

                c)            A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii                              d)            A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i

Q.35       ………………….. are called imperfect fungi.

                a)            Phycomycetes                                  b)            Ascomycetes    

                c)            Basidiomycetes                                d)            Deuteromycetes

 Q.36       ………………….. is an example of imperfect fungi.

                a)      Alternaria            b)      Ustilago               c)      Agaricus              d)       Puccinia

Q.37       Match the pairs for Column I from Column II

                                Column I                                              Column II

                A)           Phycomycetes                     i)             imperfect fungi

                B)            Ascomycetes                      ii)            club fungi

                C)            Basidiomycetes                 iii)           sac fungi

                D)           Deuteromycetes                 iv)           algal fungi


                a)            A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv                              b)            A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-i

                c)            A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i                              d)            A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii

Q.38       Bacteriophage normally have …………………………

                a)     ss-DNA                 b)      ds-DNA         c)     ss-RNA                 d)      ds_RNA

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