9 Morphology of Flowering Plants - Questions - Online Science Study


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Saturday, December 11, 2021

9 Morphology of Flowering Plants - Questions



Topics: 9.2 Morphology

                    D. Inflorescence

                    E. Flower

             9.3 Study of some important families

1 Mark questions....

Q.1 Define inflorescence.

Q.2 Name the parts of inflorescence.

Q.3 Give significance of inflorescence.

Q.4 Define flower.

Q.6 What is bracteate flower?

Q.7 What is ebracteate flower?

Q.8 What is pedicellate flower?

Q.9 What is sessile flower?

Q.10 What is zygomorphic flower?

Q.11 What is actinomorphic flower?

Q.12 Define:

         a) Complete flower

         b) Incomplete flower

         c) Perfect flower

         d) Imperfect flower

         e) Staminate flower

         f) Staminate flower

         g) Neuter flower

Q.13 What is monoecious plant?

Q.14 What is dioecious plant?

Q.15 What is insertion of floral whorls?

Q.16 What is a hypogynous flower?

Q.17 What is a perigynous flower?

Q.18 What is a epigynous flower?

Q.19 What is receptacle?

Q.20 What is a polysepalous calyx?

Q.21 What is a gamosepalous calyx?

Q.22 What is the main function of calyx?

Q.23 What are petaloid sepals?

Q.24 What is pappus calyx?

Q.25 What is the function of pappus calyx?

Q.26 What is a polypetalous corolla?

Q.27 What is a gamopetalous corolla?

Q.28 What is the main function of corolla?

Q.29 Give special features of petals.

Q.30 What is caducous calyx?

Q.31 What is deciduous calyx?

Q.32 What is persistent calyx?

Q.33 What is perianth?

Q.34 What is polyphyllous condition in flower?

Q.35 What is gamophyllous condition in flower?

Q.36 What is sepaloid perianth?

Q.37 What is petaloid perianth?

Q.38 What is the function of sepaloid tepals?

Q.39 What is the function of petaloid tepals?

Q.40 Define aestivation.

Q.41 Enlist the types of aestivation.

Q.42 Which is the male reproductive whorl in flower?

Q.43 What is polyandrous condition in flower?

Q.44 What is adelphy?

Q.45 What is adhesion of stamens?

Q.46 What is epipetalous condition?

Q.47 Define syngeny

Q.48 What is synandrous condition?

Q.49 Which is the female reproductive whorl in flower?

Q.50 What is pistil?

Q.51 What is polycarpous condition?

Q.52 What is syncarpous condition?

Q.53 What is apocarpous condition?

Q.54 What is placenta?

Q.55 Define: Placentation.

Q.56 Write floral formula of family Solanaceae.

2 Mark questions......

Q.1 Distinguish between racemose and cymose inflorescence.

Q.2 Enlist the whorls in a typical flower.

Q.3 Describe the additional floral whorl found in family Malvaceae.

Q.4 Enlist the types of placentation.

Q.5 Enlist the vegetative characters of family Solanaceae.

Q.6 Draw floral diagram of family Solanaceae.

4 mark questions.....

Q.1 Describe different types of aestivation.

Q.2 Describe the types of placentation.

Q.3 What is placentation?                                                                                                                ..1

        Enlist different types of arrangement of ovules within the ovary.                                          ...1

        What kind of arrangement of ovules is found in Pea, China rose, Papaya and Sunflower?   ...2

Q.4 Describe vegetative and floral characters of family Solanaceae.

        Draw floral diagram and write the floral formula of the same.

                        To be continued......

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