Notes Ch. 1 Living World - Online Science Study


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Friday, July 21, 2023

Notes Ch. 1 Living World


1. Living World



Can you recall?

1. What is the difference between living and non-living things?

2. Enlist the characters of living organisms.

  Living organisms show movement and locomotion.

  They need energy (food) for survival.

  They give responses to the external as well as internal stimuli.

  They exhibit reproduction.

  They exhibit growth, development, ageing and death.

3. Whether all organism are similar? Justify your answer.


  Because, they show diversity in different aspects.

¢  e.g.

¢ Size and shape – microscopic bacteria to gigantic whale.

¢ Some are without well defined nucleus (prokaryotic) and other are with well defined nucleus (eukaryotic).

¢ Mode of nutrition – Some are autotrophic and other are heterotrophic.

¢  Planet earth is made up of abiotic and biotic components.

¢  Biotic components are obviously the living beings present around us.

¢  The question is

  Why do we call them living?  and

  How do they differ from non-living?

¢  1.1 Basic principles of life :

A.  Metabolism: -

¢  The living being once produced / born has to survive.

¢  For survival, it needs energy and many chemical molecules.

¢  For energy, it has to perform metabolism.

¢  Metabolism is breaking of molecules (catabolism) and making of new molecules (anabolism).

  Catabolism – e.g. Respiration

  Anabolism – e.g. Photosynthesis


  Name the term used for breaking of molecules.

  Name the term used for making of molecules.

  Name the process which involves breaking of molecules.

  Name the process which involves making of molecules.

B. Growth and Development :-

¢  From birth onwards, organisms show tendency of growth and development.

¢  This growth is a well-orchestrated process.

¢  You might have observed sand mounds, boulders grow, etc.

¢  This growth is not from within and hence these are not living beings.


¢  Which process in the life of an organism is well orchestrated?

¢  Name any two examples of non-living things exhibiting growth.

C. Ageing : -

¢  Growth and development are not the processes which have unlimited time span.

¢  At certain point of time, the molecules, organs, systems begin to loose their effective working and become old.

¢  This is ageing process of the body.


¢  Which life process do not have unlimited life span?

¢  What is ageing?

D. Reproduction : -

¢  Life has to continue hence the organism tries to produce a young one like itself.

¢  It is possible due to reproduction (asexual or sexual).

¢  This ensures continuity of race.

  Mules, sterile worker bees do not reproduce; yet are living.

  Can we call reproduction as inclusive characteristic of life?


  Define: Reproduction.

  Name the kinds of reproduction.

  Through which process continuity of life is achieved?

  Which life process ensures continuity of race?

  Which living organisms are sterile?

E.  Death :-

¢  As the body looses it's capacity to perform metabolism, the organism dies.

F. Irritability :-

¢  Any living being responds to thermal, chemical or biological changes in the surrounding.

¢  This is unique property of living beings.


¢  Explain, how an organism dies?

¢  What is irritability?

¢  Which is the unique property of living organisms?

¢  There is immense diversity in living organisms.

¢  Since time immemorial, variety of organisms are living together on earth.

¢  In order to understand the interrelations

¢  between living and non-living as well as

¢  between two living beings or groups,

¢  Systematic study of these is essential.

¢  This data is also important for various industries and agriculture.

¢  Intensive laboratory and field studies in order to identify and classify the organisms form strong basis for meaningful use of the collected data.

¢  If we need to study this diversity, certain aids called taxonomical aids can be used.

¢  These includes herbaria, botanical gardens, museums, biodiversity parks, etc.

¢  Can you tell?

1. How can we study large number of organisms at a glance?

2. Whether all organisms prepare their own food?

3. Which feature can be considered as all inclusive characteristic of life? Why?

¢  Think about it

1. Can metabolic reactions demonstrated in a test tube (called ‘in vitro’ tests) be called living?

2. Now a days patients are declared ‘brain dead’ and are on life support. They do not show any sign of self-consciousness. Are they living or non - living?

1.2 Herbarium :

        Que. What is herbarium?

        Herbaria are effective tools in taxonomic studies.

        A herbarium is essentially a dried plant specimen that is pressed, treated and mounted on standard size sheet in order to preserve it.


         Que. Who coined the term herbarium?

        The word herbarium (plural-herbaria) was coined by Pitton de Tournefort in the book ‘Elemens’.

        Que. Who initiated herbarium?

        The art of herbarium was initiated by an Italian taxonomist Luca Ghini (1490-1556).

        Que. Enlist the things mentioned on herbarium sheet.

        Date, place of collection along with detailed classification and highlighting with its ecological peculiarities, characters of the plant are recorded on the same sheet.

        Local names and name of the collector may be added.

        Que. What is lable?

        This information is given at lower right corner of sheet and is called 'label'.

        1.3 Botanical Gardens

        Que. What are botanical gardens?

        Botanical gardens are the places where plants of different varieties collected from different parts of the world, are grown in a scientific and systematic in a in vivo manner.

        Plants are labeled.

        The label-board shows scientific as well as common name of the plant.


Conservation of Biodiversity :

        Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms in an ecosystem.

        Biodiversity is essential to maintain ecological stability.

        The extent of complexity and density of biodiversity can be regarded as a measure of health of an ecosystem.

        Population explosion and over exploitation of resources has resulted in loss of biodiversity at an alarming rate.

        Conservation involves attempting to slow down, stop or even reverse the loss in the natural habitat of organism.

        This is known as in-situ conservation.

        Why does the loss of biodiversity matter?

       For many people, it is a simple moral or ethical issue.

       We share our planet with a huge range of other organisms and we have no right to harm them.

       Biodiversity helps to maintain stability in an ecosystem.

       Loss of one variety of organisms can affect entire ecosystem.

        1.4 Museum

        Que. What are museums?

       Museums are the places where, collections of preserved plant and animal specimens are kept.

        Que. How animal specimens are preserved?

        Que. Which chemical is used to preserve animals in museums?

       Plant and animal specimens may be preserved in formalin (10% to 40% formaldehyde) in transparent jars.

       Jars are labelled.

        Que. How does larger animals and birds are preserved?

        Que. What is taxidermy?

       Larger animals like birds and mammals are usually stuffed and preserved.

       This science is known as taxidermy.

        Specimens in dried form are also kept in museum.

        We can even find systematic collections of shells, skeletons of animals, insect boxes in museums.

        Thus, biological museums in educational institutes are reference hubs of biodiversity studies.

        Que: Give reason: biological museums in educational institutes are reference hubs of biodiversity studies.

        1.5 Zoological Parks

        Que. What are zoological parks?

       Zoological Park generally known as zoo, is a place of interest for common man.

       In a zoo, wild animals are kept in captivity.

       They are protected and care is taken to provide conditions similar to their natural habitat. (ex-situ)

        Que. How a zoo is important for a naturalist?

       In a zoo, a naturalist can study food habits and behavior of animals.

        Flora, manuals, Monographs and Catalogue are some other tools of maintaining biodiversity records.

        Que. What is flora?

       Flora is the plant life occurring in a particular area on time.

        Que. What is a monograph?

       A Monograph describes any one selected biological group.

        Que. What is the role of manual in biodiversity?

       Manual provides information, keys about identification of species found in a particular area.

        Can you tell?

        1. What are the essentials of a good herbarium?

        2. Why should we visit botanical gardens, museums and zoo?

        3. What is 'ex-situ' and 'in-situ' conservation?

        1.6 Biodiversity parks :

        Que. What is biodiversity park?

       It is an ecological assemblage of species that form self-sustaining communities on degraded / barren landscape.

        e.g., Late Uttamrao Patil biodiversity park Gureghar, Mahabaleshwar.

        This park is the best model for conservation of natural heritage in urban landscape.

        Que. How can we understand the interrelation between organisms?

       Systematic classification of living organisms is helpful in understanding the interrelations.

        Que. Why study of biodiversity is a must?

       In order to understand interrelations between organisms and maintain harmony on planet earth, study of biodiversity is a must.

        1.7 Key :

        Que. What is a key?

       Key is taxonomical aid used for classification of plants and animals.

        Que. How a key is used in taxonomic classification of plants and animals?

       The keys are based on contrasting characters.

       One of the contrasting characters gets accepted and other rejected.

        Que. What is a lead?

       The statement in key is called a lead.

        Normally keys are analytical in nature.

        Internet my friend

        1. Collect information about botanical gardens, zoological parks and biodiversity hot spots in India.

        2. Collect information of endemic flora and fauna of India.

        Find out

        Human being is at key position in maintaining biodiversity of earth. Find out more information about the following.

        1. Laws to protect and conserve biodiversity in India.

        2. Environmental effects of ambitious projects like connecting rivers or connecting cities by constructing roads.

        3. Did Bauxite mining in Western Ghats affect critically endangered species like – Black panther, different Ceropegia spp., Eriocanlon spp.?


        1. Choose correct option

        A. Which is not a property of living being?

       a. Metabolism

       b. Decay

       c. Growth

       d. Reproduction

        B. A particular plant is strictly seasonal plant. Which one of the following is best suited if it is to be studied in the laboratory?

       a. Herbarium

       b. Museum

       c. Botanical garden

       d. Flower exhibition

        C. A group of students found two cockroaches in the classroom. They had a debate whether they are alive or dead. Which life property will help them to do so?

       a. Metabolism

       b. Growth

       c. Irritability

       d. Reproduction

        2. Distinguish between botanical gardens, zoological park and biodiversity park with reference to characteristics.

        3. Answer the following questions

        A. Jijamata Udyan, the famous zoo in Mumbai has acclimatised humbolt penguins.  Why should penguins be acclimatised when kept at a place away from their natural habitat?

        B. Riya found peculiar plant on her visit to Himachal Pradesh. What are the ways she can show it to her biology teacher and get information about it?

        C. At Andaman, authorities do not allow tourists to collect shells from beaches. Why it must be so?

        D. Why do we have green house in botanical gardens?

        E. What do you understand from terms like in situ and ex situ conservation?

        4. Write short notes

       A. Role of human being in biodiversity conservation.

       B. Importance of botanical garden.

        5. How can you, as an individual, prevent the loss of Biodiversity?

        Practical / Project :

       1. Make herbarium under the guidance of your teacher.

       2. Find out information about any one sacred grove (devrai) in Maharashtra.


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