Ch. 3 Kingdom Plantae - Phanerogams - Online Science Study


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Friday, October 6, 2023

Ch. 3 Kingdom Plantae - Phanerogams


3.3 Salient features of major plant groups under Phanerogams -
Gymnosperms (Gymnos : naked, sperma : seed)

        About 70 genera and 1000 living species of Gymnosperms in world.

        In India, it is represented by 16 genera and 53 species.

        Most of the Gymnosperms are evergreen, shrubs or woody trees.

        These are primitive group of flowering plants producing naked seeds.

        Seeds are not covered by fruit.

        They are vascular plants having

      Xylem with tracheids and

      Phloem with sieve cells.

        The plant body is sporophyte.

        It is differentiated into root, stem and leaves.

        The root system is tap root type.

        In some, roots form symbiotic association with other life forms.

        Coralloid roots of Cycas show association with blue green algae and

        Roots of Pinus show association with endophytic fungi called mycorrhizae.

        Stem is mostly erect, aerial, solid and cylindrical.

      Secondary growth is seen in Gymnosperms due to presence of cambium.

      In Cycas it is usually unbranched, while in conifers it is branched.

        The leaves are dimorphic.

      The foliage leaves are green, simple needle like or pinnately  compound, where as

      Scale leaves are small, membranous and brown. 

        Spores are produced by microsporophyll (Male) and megasporophyll (Female).


Economic importance –

        Cycas is grown as ornamental plant.

        Pinus is used as source of

      pine wood,

      turpentine oil and

      pine resin.

Do you know?

        Gymnosperms like Ginkgo biloba is called living fossil.

        It is because the plant is found in living as well as fossil form and the number of fossil forms is much more than the living forms.

        Gymnosperms vary in their size.


      Sequoia sempervirens is the tallest living plant in the world.

        It is commonly called coast red wood of California.

        The height of the plant is about 366 feet.

      Taxodium mucronatum has a girth of about 125 feet.

      Zamia pygmaea is the smallest Gymnosperms and is about 25 cm only.

Try this

        the leaves of Hibiscus, Peepal, Canna, Grass and Tulsi.

        Classify them as Monocot and Dicot.

Can you recall?

        1. What are the salient features of Angiosperms?

        2. What is double fertilization ?

        3. Explain in brief two classes of Angiosperms. Draw and label one example of each class.

B. Angiospermae (Angios: enclosed: vessel, Sperma: seed)

        Angiosperms are the most advanced group of flowering plants.

        In these plants the seeds are enclosed within the fruit.

        Angiosperms is a group of highly evolved plants, primarily adapted to terrestrial habitat.

        They vary in size.

        Angiosperms show heteromorphic alternation of generation.

      The sporophyte is diploid, dominant, autotrophic and independent.

      The gametophytes (male or female) are recessive, haploid and dependent on the sporophyte.

        Angiosperms are heterosporous.

      Microspores (commonly called pollens) are formed in microsporangia (or anthers).

        They develop in highly specialized microsporophyll or stamens while

      Megaspores are formed in megasporangia (or ovules)

        They are borne on highly specialized megasporophyll called carpel.

        Besides the essential whorls of microsporophylls (Androecium) and megasporophylls (Gynoecium) there are accessory whorls namely calyx (sepals) and corolla (petals) arranged together to form flowers.

Do you know?

        Wolffia is the smallest Angiosperm, 1mm in size and

        Eucalyptus grows to over 100 meters.

a. Dicotyledonae:

        These plants have two cotyledons in their embryo.

        They have a tap root system.

        The stem is branched.

        Leaves show reticulate venation.

        The flowers show tetra or pentamerous symmetry.

        Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and open type.

        Cambium is present between Xylem and Phloem for secondary growth.

        In Dicots secondary growth is commonly found.


      Helianthus annuus (Sunflower),

      Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (China rose).


a. Monocotyledonae:

        These plants have single cotyledon in their embryo.

        They have adventitious root system.

        Stem is rarely branched.

        Leaves generally have sheathing leaf base and parallel venation.

        The flowers are generally trimerous.

        The vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and closed type.

        In Monocots, except few plants secondary growth is absent.


      Zea mays (Maize),

      Sorghum vulgare (Jowar).

Can you tell?

        . Give general characters of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

        2. Distinguish between Dicotyledonae and Monocotyledonae.

        3. Why do Dicots show secondary growth while Monocots don't?

3.4 Plant life cycle and alternation of generations:

        Life cycle of a plant includes two phases or distinct generations namely

      sporophyte (diploid : 2n) and

      gametophyte (haploid : n).

        Some special diploid cells of sporophyte divide by meiosis to produce haploid cells.

        These haploid cells divide mitotically to give rise to gametophyte.

        The gametophyte produces male and female gametes which fuse during fertilization to produce diploid zygote.

        It divides by mitosis to form diploid sporophyte.

        The sporophytic and gametophytic generations generally occur alternately in the life cycle of a plant.

        This phenomenon is called alternation of generations.

        In Bryophytes and Pteridophytes

      Distinct alternation of these two generations is observed.

        In Gymnosperms and Angiosperms,

      gametophyte is much reduced and exists within sporophyte.

        In algae, based upon the nature of dominant phase in life cycle,

      It is called haplontic, diplontic or haplo-diplontic life cycle.

        In Bryophytes

      Haploid gametophyte is dominant.

      It is photosynthetic, independent thalloid or erect phase.

      Sporophyte is short lived, multicellular and depends totally or partially on gametophyte for nutrition and anchorage.

        Whereas in Pteridophytes,

      Sporophyte is dominant, independent and vascular plant body.

      Haploid multicellular gametophyte is generally autotrophic and short lived.

      It alternates with Sporophyte.


        Here mitotic divisions occur only in diploid cells.

        Gametes formed through meiosis are haploid in nature.

        The diploid zygote divides mitotically.

        In this process production of multicellular diploid organism or in the production of many diploid single cells takes place.

      e.g., Animals.


        Here mitosis occurs in haploid cells.

        It results in the formation of

      single haploid cells or

      a multicellular haploid organism.

        These forms produce the gametes through mitosis.

        Zygote is formed after fertilization.

        This cell is the only diploid cell in the entire life cycle of the organism.

        Thus, the same zygotic cell later undergoes meiosis.

      e.g., Some Algae and Fungi.


        Here mitosis occur in both diploid and haploid cells.

        These organisms undergo through a phase in which they are multicellular and haploid (the gametophyte), and a phase in which they are multicellular and diploid (the sporophyte).

      e.g., Land plants and in many algae.

Can you tell?

        1. What is alternation of generations?

        2. Which phase is dominant in the life cycle of Bryophyta and Pteridophyta?

🙏Thank You🙏

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