11 Science Biology Annual Question Paper 2022 - Online Science Study


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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

11 Science Biology Annual Question Paper 2022




XI Science                                         Biology (56)                                 Max. Marks: 70

Date:     /04/2022                                                                                              Time: 3 Hrs.

 General Instructions:

1.    Question paper consists of 31 questions divided into FOUR sections, namely A, B,          C and D.

            (1) Section A:          Q. No. 1 contains 10 multiple choice type questions                                                      carrying one mark each.

                                             Q. No. 2 contains 8 very short answer type questions                                                      carrying one mark each.

            (2) Section B:          Q No. 3 to Q. No. 14 are 12 short answer –I type                                                      questions carrying two marks each.

                                                Attempt any eight questions.

            (3) Section C:           Q. No. 15 to Q. No. 26 are 12 short answer – II  type                                                                questions carrying three marks each.

                                                Attempt any eight questions.

            (4) Section D:          Q. No. 27 to Q. No. 31 are 5 long answer type questions                                                      carrying four marks each.

                                                Attempt any three questions.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3. Start each section on new page.

4. Evaluation of each MCQ would be done for the first attempt only.

5. Draw neat, labelled diagrams wherever necessary.



Q. 1.   Select and write the correct answer:                                                              (10)

        (i) The tallest living gymnosperm among the following is ………………….. .

                        a) Sequoia sempervirens

                        b) Taxodium mucronatum

                        c) Zamia pygmaea

                        d) Ginkgo biloba       

        (ii) In Ascaris, __________________.

                        a) mesoglea is present

                        b) endoderm is a discontinuous layer

                        c) mesoderm is present in patches

                        d) body cavity is absent    

       (iii) Cell wall is present in ………………….. .

                        a) Plant cell

                        b) Prokaryotic cell

                        c) Algal cell

                        d) All of the above

       (iv) Glycosidic bond is found in ………………………………..

                        a) Disaccharide

                        b) Nucleosides

                        c) Polysaccharide

                        d) All of these

       (v) For fixing one molecule of CO2 in Calvin cycle, are required

                        a) 3ATP + 1NADPH2

                        b) 3ATP + 2NADPH2

                        c) 2ATP + 3NADPH2

                        d) 3ATP + 3NADPH2      

       (vi) In Family Solanaceae, leaves are arranged in ………………………… .

                        a) alternate phyllotaxy

                        b) opposite decussate phyllotaxy

                        c) whorled phyllotaxy

                        d) opposite superposed phyllotaxy

     (vii) In plant like Datura, flowers are …………………... .

                        a) solitary, bisexual and actinomorphic

                        b) solitary, bisexual and zygomorphic

                        c) solitary, unisexual and actinomorphic

                        d) solitary, unisexual and zygomorphic

      (viii) In Datura, calyx has five fused sepals arranged in ……………… aestivation.

                        a) valvate

                        b) imbricate

                        c) twisted

                        d) vexillary

      (ix) The functional unit of striated muscle is ……………….. .

                        a) cross bridges

                        b) myofibril

                        c) sarcomere

                        d) z- band

       (x) If stimulation is very rapid and frequent the muscle does not have time to

             relax. It remains in a state of contraction called ………………..

                        a) Summation

                        b) Tetanus

                        c) Muscular dystrophy

                        d) Rigor mortis


Q. 2.   Answer the following questions:                                                                      (08)

        (i) Name the term used for breaking of molecules.

       (ii) Why Archaebacteria are termed as extremophiles?

      (iii) Fern is a vascular plant. Yet it is not considered a Phanerogams. Why?

      (iv) Why molluscs are economically important?

       (v) What makes outer membrane of mitochondria permeable to various


      (vi) Why squamous epithelium is called pavement epithelium?                               

      (vii) Write scientific name of American species of cockroach.

     (viii) Expand – NADP



Attempt Any Eight of the following questions:                                                        (16)

Q. 3.   Does reproduction can be considered as all inclusive property of life?

            Explain with examples.

Q. 4.   Enlist different pigments found in green and red algae.

Q. 5.   Match the column – I with column – II and rewrite the matching pairs.

Column – I (Phylum)

Column – II (Characters)

1. Annelida

a. Tube feet

2. Mollusca

b. Radula

3. Ctenophora

c. Parapodia

4. Echinodermata

d. Comb plates

Q. 6.   Using following criteria distinguish between Camel and Snake.

                        a. Limbs

                        b. Mammary glands

                        c. Heart chambers

                        d. Body temperature

Q. 7.   a. Define totipotency.

            b. Why a cell is totipotent?        

Q. 8.   Enlist the postulates of modern cell theory.

Q. 9.   Give significance of mitosis.

Q. 10. Is there something wrong in following schematic presentation? If yes,

            correct it so that photosynthesis will be operated.

Q. 11. a. Define: Photosynthesis

            b. Give overall equation of photosynthesis.

Q. 12. Give significance of terminal oxidation.

Q. 13. Define Respiratory Quotient. Explain why respiratory quotient for

            carbohydrate is one?

Q. 14. Explain the process during which the interaction between actin and myosin



Attempt Any Eight of the following questions:                                                        (24)

Q. 15. a. What are Chrysophytes?

            b. What is their ecological role?

            c. What is the use of diatomaceous earth?

Q. 16. a. Why bryophytes are called ‘amphibious plants’?

            b. Write about primitive bryophytes.

Q. 17. Observe the following diagram and answer the questions given below.

            a. Identify the type of cell division.

            b. Identify the phases.

            c. Label ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Q. 18. a. Define the type of cell division exhibited by germ cells.

            b. Enlist its significance.

Q. 19. Nucleic acid is composed of many small basic units.

            a. Name the basic unit of nucleic acid.

            b. Enlist components of basic unit of nucleic acid

            c. What is the difference in them in DNA and RNA.

Q. 20. Write down and explain the floral formula of family Solanaceae.

Q. 21. Complete the following table.


Cell / Tissue / Muscle




Cardiac muscle






Prevent dislocation of bones



Inner lining of ovary



Stratified epithelium

Epidermis of skin,


Q. 22. Give systematic position of cockroach.

Q. 23. a. Write about interaction of cockroach with mankind.

            b. Explain chemical control method of cockroach.

Q. 24. How are glycolysis, TCA cycle and electron transport chain linked? Explain.

Q. 25. Generally muscles work in pairs and produce opposite action. Enlist pairs of

            such muscles.

Q. 26.

  a. Identify the diagram.

            b. Label ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘F’

            c. Give function of ‘D’.


Attempt Any Three of the following questions:                                                       (12)

Q. 27. Give salient features of class Aves.

Q. 28. a. What is cytoplasm?

            b. Enlist the components of cytoplasm.

            c. Give functions of cytoplasm.

Q. 29. a. What are secondary metabolites?

            b. How do secondary metabolites useful for mankind?

Q. 30. a. Why the term photophosphorylation is used?

            b. Differentiate between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation.

            c. What is the utility of cyclic and non-cyclic electron transfer?

Q. 31. Give balance sheet for ATP by aerobic oxidation of 2 glucose molecules.

By - Shri. Deshmukh A. B.

HSC Biology Practical Exam - Model Answer (24-25)

  HSC Biology Practical Exam MODEL ANSWER Click Here 👇👇👇 Click Here to See Model Answer

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