11th Biology Annual Question Paper 2024 - Online Science Study


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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

11th Biology Annual Question Paper 2024



XI Science                                         Biology (56)                             Max. Marks: 70

Date:     /03/2024                               (6 Pages)                                      Time: 3 Hrs.

General Instructions:

1.        Question paper consists of 31 questions divided into FOUR sections,

 namely A, B, C and D.

            (1) Section A:          Q. No. 1 contains 10 multiple choice type questions                                                      carrying one mark each.

                                             Q. No. 2 contains 8 very short answer type questions                                                      carrying one mark each.

            (2) Section B:          Q No. 3 to Q. No. 14 are 12 short answer –I type                                                                        questions carrying two marks each.

                                                Attempt any eight questions.

            (3) Section C:           Q. No. 15 to Q. No. 26 are 12 short answer – II type                                                                  questions carrying three marks each.

                                                Attempt any eight questions.

            (4) Section D:          Q. No. 27 to Q. No. 31 are 5 long answer type  

             questions carrying four marks each.

                                                Attempt any three questions.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3. Start each section on new page.

4. Evaluation of each MCQ would be done for the first attempt only.

5. Draw neat, labelled diagrams wherever necessary.




Q. 1.   Select and write the correct answer:                                                            (10)

        (i) Which is not a property of living being?

                        a) Reproduction

                        b) Growth

                        c) Metabolism

                        d) Decay

       (ii) Anaerobic bacteria helping in curdling of milk is ...................

                        a) Azotobacter

                        b) Streptomyces

                        c) Lactobacilli

                        d) Nostoc    

(iii) Find the odd one out.

                        a) Thyroid gland

                        b) Pituitary gland

                        c) Adrenal gland

                        d) Salivary gland

       (iv) Enzyme pepsin secreted in ............... shows highest activity at an

   optimum pH ...........

                        a) stomach; 2

                        b) buccal cavity; 2

                        c) duodenum; 2

                        d) duodenum; 9.5

       (v) A tissue made up of immature, young, living cells showing ability to

             divide is called ...................

                        a) Parenchyma tissue

                        b) Collenchyma tissue

                        c) Meristematic tissue

                        d) Sclerenchyma tissue      

       (vi) In potato and brinjal, leaves are arranged in ………………………… .

                        a) alternate phyllotaxy

                        b) opposite decussate phyllotaxy

                        c) whorled phyllotaxy

                        d) opposite superposed phyllotaxy

     (vii) A cell that lacks chloroplast does not .....................

                        a) evolve carbon dioxide

                        b) liberate oxygen

                        c) require water

                        d) utilize carbohydrates

     (viii) Respiratory quotient for proteins is ..........

                        a) 0.7

                        b) 0.9

                        c) 1

                        d) 1.7

      (ix) Find the odd one out.

                        a) Salivary amylase

                        b) Pepsinogen

                        c) Mucus

                        d) Pancreatic amylase 

 (x) If stimulation is very rapid and frequent the muscle does not have time    

      to relax. It remains in a state of contraction called ………………..

                        a) Summation

                        b) Tetanus

                        c) Muscular dystrophy

                        d) Rigor mortis


Q. 2.   Answer the following questions:                                                                    (08)

        (i) Here collections of preserved plant and animal specimens are kept.

             Identify the place.

       (ii) Why do Dicots show secondary growth while Monocot’s don’t?

      (iii) What surrounds the stomatal pore?

      (iv) Why species name americana is given to cockroach?

       (v) What is the role of Rubisco in photosynthesis?

      (vi) How much is the net gain of ATP during formation of Acetyl-Co-A

 from Pyruvate?                 

      (vii) Complete the analogy:

  Kwashiorkor = Oedema of lower legs and face.

            Marasmus = .....................

     (viii) Sprain is more painful than fracture. Why?



Attempt Any Eight of the following questions:                                                      (16)

Q. 3.   Does reproduction can be considered as all inclusive property of life?

            Explain with examples.

Q. 4.   Enlist the different criteria for classification of secondary metabolites.

Q. 5.   Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ and rewrite your answer.

            Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. M – phase

a. 2-5 hours

2. G1 – phase

b. 1-3 hours

3. S – phase

c. 8 hours or more

4. G2 – phase

d. 6-8 hours

Q. 6.   What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Q. 7.    a. Draw a labelled diagram of a tissue having uneven thickening in their

    cell walls.

            b. Write at least one function of it.      

Q. 8.   What is syngenesious condition and synandrous condition?

            Give an example of each.

Q. 9.   Define parthenocarpy. Give two examples of such fruits.

Q. 10. Draw a labeled diagram of transverse section of proventriculus of


Q. 11.  a. Name the term used for leaf anatomy in C4 plants.

            b. Which is the first stable product of CO2 fixation in C4 plants?

Q. 12. Draw a neat, labelled diagram showing histology of the gastrointestinal


Q. 13. Why is a kidney called retroperitoneal? How it is advantageous to be


Q. 14. All locomotions are movements but all movements are not locomotion.




Attempt Any Eight of the following questions:                                                      (24)

Q. 15. Explain types of algae considering the following points.

            a. Cell wall.

            b. Accessory photosynthetic pigments.

Q. 16. Prepare a tree diagram to show classification of following animals having


Scoliodon, Labeo rohita, Rana, Naja naja, Passer and Rattus.

Q. 17. Enlist the postulates of cell theory.

Q. 18. Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ and rewrite your answer.

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. Squamous epithelium

a. Nose

2. Cuboidal epithelium

b. Trachea

3. Columnar epithelium

c. Blood vessels

4. Ciliated epithelium

d. Ovary

5. Sensory epithelium

e. Gastric glands

6. Germinal epithelium

f. Salivary duct

Q. 19. Explain the properties of catalytic proteins.

Q. 20. Observe the diagram and answer questions given below.

a. Identify the type of cell division.

          b. Identify the phases.

          c. Label ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Q. 21. Amit observed a permanent slide of dicot root in laboratory and try to

          understand the anatomy. His teacher asks few questions to him. Can you

predict the answers of Amit for them?

    a.     What is the innermost layer of the cortex called?

    b.    What are Casparian strips?

    c.     What are passage cells?

Q. 22. Identify the types and give one example of each.

                        [Write scientific name of plant]

            a. A root swollen in the middle and tapering towards both ends.

            b. A root broad at its morphological base and narrow down towards the


  c. A base of root is highly swollen, almost spherical in shape and

    abruptly narrows down towards its apex.

Q. 23. Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ and rewrite your answer.

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. Oxaloacetate ------> Citrate

a. Aconitase

2. Citrate ------>cis-Aconitate

b. Fumarase

3. Isocitrate ------> Oxalosuccinate

c. Succinate dehydrogenase

4. Succinyl-Co-A ------> Succinate

d. Citrate synthetase

5. Succinate ------> Fumarate

e. Succinyl-Co-A synthetase

6. Fumarate ------> Malate

f. Isocitrate dehydrogenase

Q. 24.  a. What do you understand by phosphorylation?

            b. Explain the types of phosphorylation occurring during respiration in


Q. 25.  a. Explain different types of renal calculi.

            b. Enlist symptoms of having renal calculi.

Q. 26. Amphibian tadpole can afford to be ammonotelic. Justify your answer.



Attempt Any Three of the following questions:                                                     (12)

Q. 27.  a. What is inflorescence?

            b. Differentiate racemose and cymose inflorescence using given


i.                 Growth of peduncle

ii.               Arrangement of flower on peduncle

iii.             Order of opening of flower

Q. 28.  a. Why body cavity of cockroach is called as haemocoel?

            b. How haemocoel is divided into three sinuses?

            c. Write about haemolymph of cockroach.

Q. 29. a. Draw a graphic representation showing photophosphorylation in

    which PS -II is not involved.

            b. Distinguish between the two types of photophosphorylation.

Q. 30.  a. What is the dental formula of an adult human?

            b. Explain why human dentition is considered as thecodont, diphyodont

    and heterodont?

Q. 31. Justify the structure of atlas and axis vertebrae with respect to their

position and function.



HSC Biology Practical Exam - Model Answer (24-25)

  HSC Biology Practical Exam MODEL ANSWER Click Here 👇👇👇 Click Here to See Model Answer

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